Native AI

Native AI


Native AI

Generated by AI —— Native AI

Native AI is a revolutionary tool designed to streamline your workflow across multiple applications, including Gmail, Slack, Jira, and more. This innovative platform eliminates the need for context switching and cumbersome interfaces, allowing you to operate all your apps from a single, intuitive interface. With Native AI, you can interact with your applications at lightning speeds, whether you're viewing customer messages, tracking bugs, or generating reports. The platform supports various interaction methods, including typing, speaking, or clicking, and offers commands and autocomplete options to expedite your tasks.

One of the standout features of Native AI is its minimal UI based on intent. Users can right-click to receive context-specific suggestions from AI, enabling tasks such as filing Jira tickets or adding invoices from emails to QuickBooks with ease. The platform also provides automation suggestions within your workflows, allowing you to automate tasks using natural language. This capability extends to filing Jira tickets, sharing messages on Slack, or generating reports, significantly enhancing productivity.

Native AI has received rave reviews from its users, with testimonials highlighting its effectiveness in reducing app overload and improving productivity. Javad G, an engineering manager, praises the platform for its ability to manage all his apps through a universal AI interface. Alex H, a founding GTM professional, appreciates how Native AI consolidates communication across Slack, Gmail, and other platforms into one place. Users also commend the simplicity of the interface, which manages to perform complex tasks with ease.

Security and privacy are paramount at Native AI. The platform employs robust measures to ensure that your data is protected and your privacy is maintained. This commitment to security is a key differentiator that sets Native AI apart from other productivity tools.

In summary, Native AI is a game-changer for productivity, offering a unified AI interface across all your favorite apps. It eliminates the need for context-switching and clunky UIs, allowing you to focus on getting your work done efficiently. Whether you're a product manager, engineer, or any professional dealing with multiple apps, Native AI is designed to enhance your workflow and boost your productivity.

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Key Features of Native AI

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    Unified AI Interface Across Multiple Apps

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    Minimal UI with Context-Based Suggestions

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    Effortless Task Automation with Natural Language

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    Lightning-Speed Interaction with AI

Target Users of Native AI

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    Product Managers

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    Engineering Managers

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    Founding GTM Professionals

Target User Scenes of Native AI

  • 1

    As a product manager, I want to manage all my communication and tasks across Gmail, Slack, and Jira from a single interface to reduce context switching and enhance productivity

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    As an engineer, I want to automate routine tasks like filing Jira tickets and sharing messages on Slack using natural language to save time and focus on more critical work

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    As an engineering manager, I want to ensure that all my team's interactions and tasks are secure and private, so I can trust the platform with sensitive information

  • 4

    As a founding GTM professional, I want to interact with AI to quickly view customer messages, track bugs, and generate reports across apps to maintain high responsiveness and efficiency.